ETSY predicts 2022 will bring intentional buying, lagom, nature, and greater brand awareness

As someone whose been selling handmade designer goods online for over fifteen years, I’m used to researching trends, forecasted by countless “experts” for the upcoming year or season. While I don’t subscribe to the idea of having a totally trend-driven wardrobe or home, a touch of something reflective of our time always adds interest. It keep things from getting stale.

Wallpaper Direct
More marketing opportunities and online exposure for businesses comes from an awareness of current trends. Sometimes these predictions may fall flat and other times, take off.
You would be amazed just how much consumers are influenced by trends. More than you may realize.

- Design: Studio Giancarlo Valle
- Photo: Stephen Kent Johnson/OTTO

Image credit: Future PLC
It has been one of my obsessions, partly from studying art history and design, to look at objects within their historical and stylistic context.

Collage by David Vo
Societal patterns, as well as social, political, and cultural shifts inevitably impact design and fashion. And fashion is often ahead of interior design and more outrageous, so its especially fun to watch.

Dries Van Noten
ETSY, one of the platforms I sell on, has a podcast for its vendors (approx. 4.4 million!), that discusses how to market handmade goods, what to sell in the upcoming seasons, and how to prepare for 2022, based largely on their 81.9 billion buyer searches.

I’ve been gearing up to coach newbie Etsy sellers in the new year so I’ve been researching Etsy quite a bit over the last several months. Here are some of their observations based on consumer buying and search patterns.


Consumers care more about who they are buying from; the brand behind the company, what they stand for, who they employ, where they get their raw materials and manufacture their goods. Social media is providing greater transparency and allowing for companies to tell their story.
Etsy is calling it out…
What is Lagom?
‘Not too much, not too little. Lagom’
The translation of the Swedish concept of lagom is “enough, sufficient, adequate, just right.” While hygge is all about staying in with family (and potentially never changing out of your cashmere pajamas), getting cozy and chatting with friends in a coffee shop, basically taking the time to enjoy a moment of contentment (whatever the weather), lagom is all about moderation. Rather than seizing the moment (of hygge, if you will), it’s about living a frugal life with just enough possessions; everything functional and a life in balance. – Country&Townhouse
‘Lagom encourages us to create a happy life by choosing to live a balanced and fruitful existence.’

source: lookea.me

FROM THE ABOVE BOOK; Ten simple ways to de-clutter your home
- Create a de-clutter to-do list, crossing off each task as you complete it.
- Dedicate ten minutes each day to one task (baby steps, my friend).
- Go one room at a time and organize items into three boxes: keep, donate and throw away (never a ‘maybe’ box – speaking from experience!).
- Follow the ‘one in, one out’ rule – for everything you buy, one thing goes.
- Fill a bin bag a day with items you no longer need.
- Reduce the area where clutter can accumulate – dedicate a container for toiletries or a folder for paperwork. If new items don’t fit, then it’s time to re-think what’s in the area and get rid of something.
- Take out all the items in your wardrobe. Remove hangers and then put everything back in order of preference. Anything that doesn’t have a hanger goes.
- Create a memory box or use an accordion organizer for your kids’ drawings and other treasured items.
- Keep a basket or bag by the stairs or in a spot that accumulates clutter and slowly fill it with items. Once it’s full, sort through and put everything back where it belongs.
- Stick to the ‘one-touch rule’ for paperwork: sort it as soon as it arrives by recycling, or taking action.
Taken from Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life by Niki Brantmark
‘Upcycling, recycling and using sustainable materials where possible is the way to enjoy the home comforts you love, without taking too much from the planet.’

Vintage sellers are having their moment


Joann Palmisiano, vintage skirt turned pilllow, Rock Your Rental
4. ABSTRACT SHAPES, WIGGLES &CURVES…moving beyond mid-century


“A curved form is subconsciously read as safe, friendly and welcoming. With everyone feeling a bit precious I think those softer shapes and angles will still be a big trend in 2022 in furniture as well as architecture.” –Sarah Sherman Samuel
“More gracious and sensual shapes, curved edges and deep, luxuriant seats.” -Martyn Lawrence Bullard

Emerald green is a longstanding jewel tone that is always relevant.
ETSY has announced it as their color of the year!
Balance, harmony, nature
Pairs great with metallics

Image credit: Little Greene

What do you think? I think a lot of it is incredibly creative, colorful, hopeful, informed, fresh…should be fun to see what’s in store for 2022!