Tina Marie of The Enchanted Home finds Studio Tullia and Etsy
Tina Marie, designer and blogger for THE ENCHANTED HOME, discovered STUDIO TULLIA in the process of searching for decorative pillows for her veranda/loggia at her fabulous manse in New York.
I was lucky enough to be one of two final contenders in her pillow search on ETSY where my pillows will now live: in the Home of Enchantment.
This is her lovely blue and white design board of ETSY pillows she found:
Some of the final choices from STUDIO TULLIA were:
And a lovely IKAT pillow from MOTIF PILLOWS by Priscilla Elizabeth out of Charleston, SC on ETSY. What a great combination!
She later shared with her readers the arrival and display of pillows in her loggia and outer terrace:
You can see that she also has a lovely collection of porcelains with a concentration on blue and whites. They could not be a better match with Schumacher’s Chiang Mai Dragon!
You have to read this post which not only has many, many pictures of my Chiang Mai Pillows in situ at her FABULOUS home but will also introduce you to the extremely entertaining world of Tina Marie. She shares on a daily basis a very social and active life, steeling iphone pics in her daily forays to shop and visit friends. If anyone can handle the years long construction and interior decoration of this French Chateau Style Home set against the lovely rolling hills of New York, Tina can.
She also has an online shop featuring lovely European lighting, tableware and accessories. I am particularly enamored of the etched bell jar lanterns and seriously contemplating a couple of these for our home:
Pictures of Tina Marie’s Enchanted Home – and her blog feature “Pillow Heaven”
Fanciful silver napkin rings and other fun accessories:
A lovely coat of arms and other garden statuary:
Here, Tina has shared some recipes, with dishes served on her blue and white European tableware, also available at her store:
I have to share just a few more pictures of THE ENCHANTED HOME so that you, too, will want to follow along on this incredible journey:
Are you hooked?