The ASTORIA Collection, II.    Authentic, Mid-century Textiles in Rich Colors and Patterns

The ASTORIA Collection, II. Authentic, Mid-century Textiles in Rich Colors and Patterns


Astoria textiles in vibrant colors


vintage striped and damask velvets


I first found the mother load of vintage textiles at an estate sale in Astoria, Oregon, a few years ago.  Thank God my father-in-law was persistent in finding this place; the shop of an upholster, whose estate was being liquidated.

vintage textiles from oregon coast

It was like walking back in time, to the mid century, with hand written notes pinned all over the walls, leftover fabric bolts stacked up on shelves and in metal trash cans. It was definitely a  hard-working artisan’s work room. His adjoining house was also for sale, so that was super fun to see his formal 50’s-60’s era living room and his immaculately upholstered pieces.

vintage textiles


vintage red floral
floral and striped silk

I was completely blown away by the quality of the thick, cotton velvet and the richness of the patterns and colors. I wouldn’t have expected this bold palette to be so prominent on the coast of Oregon.

I was later told by the owner of local store, Vintage Hardware, that he was the only upholsterer in the Astoria region for quite some time.

vintage fall floral

The bolts were at bargain prices. The gamble was that this upholsterer smoked. A lot. The pervasive smell of stale smoke was on all of the textiles.  I also wasn’t sure how they would fare after I had washed them.

Once home,I threw some samples in the washer/dryer and was elated with what I found. The quality had endured and they were just as vibrant and beautiful.

vintage textiles

I honed my ability to clean vintage textiles, determining that 1/2 cup of vinegar mixed with detergent was the best addition to a load of laundry, to remove the smell. Sometimes even a second or third wash was required, but ultimately worth it.  It was no small undertaking to wash and handle these really heavy, wet velvets.

We even had to replace the mechanism inside our washer after a couple of intense weeks of washing, so there was that…


vintage yellow floral

The other gamble was whether or not people would even like this dated, retro collection.

As with everything online it takes a few months for your items to be found…but eventually, they became quite popular and really are a bargain for the quality.


Here are  a couple of pillow combinations that you could work. 

A mix of the old with new, or high and low… is always nice and less predictable.

vintage mid century textiles
HOW to style pillows
sale vintage textiles pillows
authentic mid century textiles





At last we have made it to Week 6! I’m excited to share some pictures with you below.  When you have a chance, there is a plethora of fabulous ORC Rooms by Guest Participants and Featured Designers (click on the two boxes below to get there). Now that I am done with this dining room, I plan to spend some time there myself…


So, here goes. This dining room has proven to be a great challenge. The sun was spotty today in Portland so I did my best to capture the natural light in the room.


There is one accent wall where (with the help of my daughter and husband),I have painted a decorative sky painting.


My dear friend and floral designer Joann Andriese helped me to go for the large scale branches which I trimmed from my backyard. I reupholstered our existing dining chairs in Miles Redd Tumbling Blocks by Schumacher.

The chalkboard was created using a Portland flea market find (the carved frame), that I placed a chalkboard inside.  I am not sure what it was before, but it seemed to have been built into a wall and was apparently salvaged and sold at an auction, per antique dealer, LOOKS & BOOKS, from Milwaukee, OR.  The carving looked old world and reminded me of Italy. My daughter has been wanting a chalkboard for awhile.  It has to cure for a couple more days when I initially posted this.


Here is a shot of the built-in which was painted a pale aqua paint to compliment the sky wall.  It is full of various heirloom and contemporary dishes as well as crystal, vintage paintings and vases, an old clock and books.The chandelier is from FEISS. The plant from PORTLAND NURSERY.

Here is a more panoramic shot and you can see that I have panels flanking the bay window.   They are custom made out of linen blend fabric called BUTE in Ivory from Cowtan and Tout, which is super wide and so gorgeous.   The two pleats on the leading edge are striped cotton called ULLAKARIN from IKEA.  The woven jute rug is also from IKEA.

This heirloom rocking chair I had reupholstered when I had twins out of a leopard velvet (like Jamil Natural).  It was my great grandfather’s.  The blanket is from salvaged PENDLETON.



I’ve been playing around with table placement so here you can see that I moved the table and chairs so they are horizontal to the bay window.  It works both ways.


The abstract artwork is from TARGET.  The heirloom loveseat was also my great grandparents that I had reupholstered in striped ticking.

Here’s a close up of the vintage dinner plates I found at an estate sale.  The runner is also from IKEA.

The little lumbar pillow is FANTASY FOREST by SCHUMACHER , made by STUDIO TULLIA.

A detail of the curtains, also made by STUDIO TULLIA.

Here’s another shot of my kids’ favorite spot along with fabric Sonora by SCHUMACHER and a custom faux snow leopard throw which is also a favorite in the house.

The kids aren’t the only ones who like this spot.

If you look above the door there is another found painting that was framed locally by I’VE BEEN FRAMED, my go to local art store and framer.   They frame most of my found art and prints as well as family art, photographs, etc.

Here is a detail shot of the rug and chairs.

And accessories.

And a shot of the table with candles lit earlier in the day when I had no sun.

I thought this brass napkin holder and napkins from IKEA were fun to add to the mix.

Here are a few before shots just so you can appreciate how far we have come from the original orange dining room.


Here the kids are priming the chalkboard for the first time with white chalk after it cured for three days.

The kids have been having fun writing menus and such on the chalkboard:

So, that is a wrap.  The sources with links are listed at the end of this post.

I could not have pulled this off without my highly skilled husband, Shiloh.  I am so grateful for all his electrical, construction and installation work.

Thanks so much for following along!



BENJAMIN MOORE – chalkboard paint

COWTAN & TOUT – Bute in Ivory for curtains


IKEA – Lonholt jute rug

IKEA – black linen and Goddag woven table runners

IKEA – Tillstallning brass napkin holder & napkins

IKEA – Ullakarian Striped Fabric on lead edge of curtain panels

I’VE BEEN FRAMED – frames for vintage paintings

MILLER – gray paint by Joanna Gaines

METRO PAINT – Mountain Snow for custom paint mixing and base coats

PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS – salvaged Pendleton wool for throw

PORTLAND FLEA – antique carved frame


SCHUMACHER -Miles Redd Tumbling Blocks on Chairs

SCHUMACHER – Sonora white fringe fabric on pillow

SCHUMACHER – Fantasy Forest on accent pillow

STUDIO TULLIA – throw pillows

TARGET – abstract framed embellished painting Project 62

WS HOME – black candlesticks



Well, we managed to finish up just in time!  Here are the results.  We were lucky to have a bright sunny day for these last minute pictures, thanks to my amazing assistant, Amanda. Everything is smelling like roses and I am drinking a gin and tonic as I write this (it is after 5 pm West coast time, FYI).



Below is a painting of our backyard fig tree that Charlotte and her friend Alex painted together last year.  I floated it in one of IKEA’s shadow box frames.


As you can see we have a little woodland theme going on with the deers and bunny rabbit. I know the rose floral shade on the sconce and bed linens from IKEA are a departure from the neon splatter, but it was such a lovely pattern we bent the matchy matchy rules.   Perhaps bold colors or solid colored linens would have worked better, but we wanted to make these work.  They’re cozy and a little English or something.  The framed deer art is hand cross stitched by a very patient Oregonian: a vintage find that was in perfect condition. The antique bed is an heirloom from my grandparents that my Mother stripped and refinished years ago.DSC09162.jpg

The large splatter pillow was a trial run before the curtains and the hand drawn critter pillow Charlotte drew awhile back as a prototype for a school auction project.  The cross pillow was from STUDIO TULLIA inventory and we liked it in the room.DSC09193.jpg

You can see a little bit of the furry stool we created by covering an IKEA stool.  It is the perfect little occasional stool for this tiny room and adds some much needed glamour.DSC09201.jpg

I want to show you a close up of the white bunny painting by Oregonian artist ELIZABETH SEE because she is so talented.IMG_3459.jpgWe have come quite a ways in just a couple weeks.  Here are a few before shots:

ORC pic week 5.jpg


Getting that pink the right color took some work.  Between BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT and METRO PAINT we got it done.IMG_2452.jpg

The IKEA curtains were perhaps the funnest part of this project and they really set the tone for the room.DSC09290.jpg

This IKEA PS 2014 ceiling pendant is very cool in its design. The pull factor really is fun at night and gives you a diverse range of visual effects.  Her twin brother Arthur is a little jealous when it comes to the light.  Thank God they have lego building experience as they put this thing together all by themselves.  Whereas that project might have put me right over the edge.


This is her bookshelf which I have staged for this shoot.  The camellias ,roses and hydrangeas are from our garden. The amethyst cut crystal vase was her great grandmother’s and the other vase is a hand painted vintage vase as well.  The flower etched globe light is from IKEA.  And we all know that’s an AMERICAN DOLL in a wheelchair. The one thing in the catalog Arthur liked because it had wheels.


HARRY POTTER books without their covers aren’t so bad looking next to the collection of NANCY DREW books.


All of the pillows in this feature have been provided by my primary sponsor ~ STUDIO TULLIA!  Vintage ones (like the cool beaded rose pillow above) as well as other vintage oddities are available through TULLIA MARKETPLACE, which is not fully off the ground, but should be by this Summer.

Here are a few more pictures of the flowers up close because they are just so pretty.  The vase is by who else…IKEA.  The little painting is by Charlotte.




We decided last minute to switch out her side table form TARGET and it needed to be white.  The finish was antique gold and it just fell flat in the corner.   We almost painted the gold framed mirror, too, but decided it added some bling and was ok as is.


This room was a quite a challenge because in all honesty this room is a dog.  The room is tiny, the ceiling is slanted, the windows and trim work are funky, and many more issues I don’t need to bore you with.

The good news is that this is the room she wants to be in and is a very happy girl. She could not fall asleep last night she was so excited. I hated to wake her up this morning. This room is her safe haven, compared to the larger guest room where she was temporarily staying during this project.

IMG_3504.jpgSweet Dreams, my Sweet Charlotte.

I am excited to grab a cup of coffee tomorrow morning and indulge myself in the many final reveals as part of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE, thanks to CALLING IT HOME.

This was a great challenge for me and 6 weeks was just about right. I am excited to do another room in the Fall.

Here is the link to twenty very talented designer bloggers’ final reveals HERE



And if that’s not enough, there are over 1,000 Guest Participant Final Reveals to view HERE:

download (1).png


Thanks so much for following along!










ORC, SPRING 2016 – IKEA Shopping Spree

ORC, SPRING 2016 – IKEA Shopping Spree

download (1).pngWe decided to get some shopping done for the essentials of the room: lighting, hardware and curtains.  I wasn’t sure how much input to let Charlotte have, but for the most part she picked some essentials I couldn’t find too much fault with.  I just had to keep reminding her that the room is small so we couldn’t go too loud or crazy.

So here’s what we accomplished in less than two hours at IKEA:


She picked this floral etched glass KNUBBIG globe, which is a pretty accent light for the bookshelf. It has a subtle cherry blossom motif which is in keeping with our theme.


We finally decided on this chandelier by DAVID WAHL. I am curious to see how it looks installed. We chose the turquoise inside rather than the orange.





I like that you can easily pull on the cords to control the amount of light into the room.




Then we chose this RODD sconce that we paired with the EMMIE BLOM shade which has a nice floral pattern:



They had it on display and we liked it. We are from the City of Roses afterall.



Next we moved onto…



This is the look we were after with the grommets.   We chose the MERETE cotton curtains which are a nice weight cotton.


We also wanted sheers so we picked the LILL lace curtains:



We went with the VASENTLIG ball finials and double curtain rods:



Pretty basic choices, but I feel good that we got those items taken care of.  It gives my husband some time to install the pendant and sconces as well as the curtains rods.

We are still painting the walls and hoping to have that done soon.  And, Charlotte plans to splatter the curtains…oh boy.


I loved this chair but it is too big.


We also considered this one at VINTAGE VINTAGE on Division St, but again too big.


Would you look at all the carts at IKEA!  We were leaving as they were closing up.



Well, thanks for reading and we will see you next week!








Well , here we are at week two of the ORC.  Old houses always require more prep than you think. My husband and I agreed to not spend a month on the ceiling like we did in our bedroom. Still, there were some cracks on the ceiling and a few holes in the walls that had to be addressed.  My husband got that done and the floor prepped for painting.



Charlotte has chosen lilac walls and light cherry blossom pink for the ceilings with white trim.  This is where we are headed:

First Light #2102-70 by Benjamin Moore

First Light BM.jpg    and, Spring Iris #1402 also by Benjamin MooreIris BM.jpg

We started with METRO PAINT, which is a local paint supplier in Portland. There paints are all recycled and very affordable.  My father in law (who is a contractor) uses their paint all the time and recommended I give it a try. I love their MOUNTAIN SNOW – which I used for my HOME OFFICE.

metropaint_paint_open_cans_colors.jpgSo, we bought a gallon of CARNATION (for like $12!) and we have been methodically adding MOUNTAIN SNOW to try to get close to light pink we might like.

FYI, Metro Paint has a limited palette of colors, but in reality if you have the time and gumption, you can mix and match and come up with some pretty nice colors.  They haev lots of examples and formulas in their store.  It can make painting a house almost affordable.





Charlotte with CARNATION, untouched.  Too pink as is as you can see.


After painting the entire ceiling with a lightened pink, it is still too pink.  So, we’ll add more white. I think we are close though.


The lilac bush is blooming outside of our house  – I used the flowers to decorate the twins’ birthday cake this week. A little much for Arthur. Oops.  Charlotte and I tinted the icing lilac.  I guess we are in a custom color mixing mood. The lighter part of the lilac petals are such a perfect color.


I came across this cherry tree in bloom the other day and had to share this.  There really is nothing like Portland in the Spring.


There were 3-4 inches of pink petals on the ground!








So, I am also thinking about lighting.  She needs a pendant light and a bedside lamp. Or ultimately a sconce by her bed. I am a big fan as they leave your bedside table free and provide nice light. Here are a few possibilities:IMG_9969.jpg

With a gold sconce from Visual Comfort:



Here’s a sconce from IKEA:


A new pendant light from IKEA:


It does cool things at night:


Is this vintage glass pendant light stunning or what?


I even like this Chinese paper lantern for $12:





And here are some basic white curtains with grommets for a modern look.  Grommet curtains are super easy to use. And these curtains will be used daily.



I am leaning toward sheers behind the curtains rather than shades.   The windows are sort of odd and need to be replaced ultimately so the sheers should offer some coverage for now.


Charlotte has some ideas of her own about the curtains. She wants to splatter them in a ROTHKO-ish way. I have my concerns, but nevertheless, we bought the paint at COLLAGE in Portland:

I’ve been looking at Pinterest for ideas:







So, we will cross that bridge soon enough.


Well, I better stop for now.   Thanks for joining.

Follow along with the ORC Featured Designers


Follow along with the Other ORC Guest Participants

Thanks for reading!


Have a great Friday and weekend!







download.pngI am going to take the challenge (as I often encourage my kids to do) and participate in THE ONE ROOM Challenge organized by CALLING IT HOME as a ORC Guest Participant.

My 6 week project will be my daughter Charlotte’s room.   Here are a couple inspiration palettes we came up with.  Soft pinks and lavenders, with neutrals and maybe a few punches of color like green or yellow so its not so pinky sweet.  The cherry tree in our front yard and the whole neighborhood in fact is blooming gloriously.  That has been our primary inspiration as far as finding the right pink and lavender for the walls and ceiling.


Charlotte's color palette Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpg

She is nine so she still plays with dolls…maybe for another year or two…


IMG_2252.jpgcharlotte's room inspiration.jpg

Just to give you a little background on the room and my daughter…she and her twin brother have moved out of their shared nursery which is now my HOME OFFICE and moved upstairs into their OWN ROOMS.  Charlotte’s room is really small. It could be a walk in closet; it’s that small.  There is another room that’s a decent size available but she has chosen this one for the coziness factor.

Here is a quick floor plan of the room.  The dimensions are 9’5″ X 7′ 3″ .

IMG_3083 copy.jpg

As you can see there is room for a bed, a dresser, a small accent chair and a side table. That’s it.  The ceiling height is 7’10” at the highest point but 6″10″ where the roof line intersects with the window frame.

Here is a before shot of the room. This is what you see when you walk in. Two windows. There is a little more to the room on the left wall where the bed will go and that’s it.   There are also issues with the double-paned windows as you can see.


So, here is a list of what we are hoping to accomplish:

  1. Patch old plaster and paint room.
  2. Select lighting for the room; a ceiling fixture and small lamp for bedside table.
  3. Design and fabricate Window Treatments
  4. Slipcover existing side chair we own
  5. New bedding – cover, shams, accent pillows
  6. Select and hang art
  7. Either re-carpet or find a throw rug.
  8. Address double pane window fogginess issues.

Think this is do-able?  I guess we are going to find out.

So follow along with the twenty designers and design bloggers who will each be sharing room makeovers from start to finish over the next six weeks. And there are many more guest participants, like me,who will link to the CALLING IT HOME website.

See you next week!




Follow along with the One Room Challenge participants!

• Claire Brody • The Curated House • Design Manifest • Driven by Decor • Honey We’re Home • Hunted Interior • The Makerista • Making it Lovely • My Sweet Savannah • Pencil and Paper Co. • The Pink Clutch • Savvy Home • Simplified Bee • Sketch 42 • Jill Sorensen • Orlando Soria • Thou Swell • The Vault Files • Waiting on Martha • The Zhush • Media Partner House Beautiful • TM by CIH









You may go to THE ENCHANTED HOME to check out the current promotion running for two days only….20% OFF The Enchanted Home Pillow Collection plus free shipping anywhere in the US on orders over $100.


This collection is all about blue and white, porcelain, chinoiserie, asian toile, with some fresh punches of ribbon and color thrown in.

Porcelain Vase with pillows EH Collection STUDIO TULLIA




I shot a few with a more tropical vibe, too:

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Tina can put some beautiful combinations together:



You may also shop at my ETSY SHOP and use coupon code: EHTAKE20 for 20% off your purchase until Wednesday at midnight.


Hope you are enjoying your day and have a great week!


my funny valentine

my funny valentine

I was putting this post together and came across an incredible performance of My Funny Valentine by Alice Fredenham on Britain’s Got Talent.  It’s beautiful, it’s inspiring and it made me cry (even Simon loved her).  Listen Here!

Alice - Studio Tullia 2.12.2016.JPG

Sitting at my desk, feeling gratitude and melancholy, on this rainy Friday… I could so relate to her fears about succeeding, putting herself out there.

See that lovely lamp on the right there, on my desk?  I ran into the talented ~ Shannon Guirl ~ owner of Caravan Pacific, at a “seconds” craft show at ACE Hotel in downtown Portland last weekend.


I scored a white Hawthorne Lamp. I have pine wood office accessories, woven baskets, and a touch of chrome in my office, so this lamp in natural maple and chrome, fits right in!  It really is so beautiful and gives off a nice, warm glow.

Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpg

The Hawthorne Lamp and many others are available here


Here she is at her studio in SE Portland, where I picked up my lamp.  Look what she has on the way…


I’ve been playing around with rose quartz/pale pink/soft lavender velvets for the last month, trying to figure out which ones to put in my Spring Collection.  Pindler, Kravet, Schumacher, Gaston & Daniela – they all have wonderful hues. I’ve paired a couple with a Designer’s Guild’s Trasimeno striped velvet/linen and STUDIO TULLIA’s signature ribbon pillows. I borrowed a couple of my daughter’s treasures for this palette.  We are getting ready to paint her room and are headed in this direction.

Spring Palette 2016 v2 Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpg

This scheme includes a vintage plate and a favorite stuffy:

Charlotte's color palette Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpg

and one more:IMG_2252.jpg


How nice would this Sullivan Lamp in Peony and Maple be in her room:



Would you look at these feathers? I was walking past the bridal section at the  yesterday and came across these feathers, sold by the inch (for approx. $1.50/inch).  I could not get over their color and beauty.Pink Feathers Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpgFeathers Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpgIMG_9204.jpg

And, here are a few of hand painted sacred hearts from our recent trip to Mexico, currently adorning my bookshelves.Sacred Heart Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpg


Sacred Heart 2 Studio Tullia 2.12.16.jpg

Never have thought of myself as having a lot of pink, but here it is again, in my office:office STUDIO TULLIA 2.12.16.jpg


Came across this dress in a window last week at Adam Arnold



And lastly, my sweetheart with the twinlets.

Shiloh and kids Studio Tullia 2.14.16.jpg

Here’s a beautiful heart by Johanna Basford if you need something to print out quick for your sweetheart:


Wishing you all a lovely weekend and Happy Valentine’s Day.

Yours truly,








Ive always loved velvet…for its purity of color, and its durability. So soft and seemingly delicate to the touch and yet, most of the time, you can wash it and it comes clean.  The other thing that’s great about velvet is that patina, that like no other, develops over time and that only comes from years of wear and tear.

Here are a few lovely interiors starring velvet as the lead role:

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This Fall 2015’s design trends include velvet as they often due this time of  year. This is nothing new. The royals have been donning velvet frocks for years. Still being reinvented in fantastic ways today. I’ve been awestruck this past several months while watching The Tudors and Reign on Netflix (highly recommend both) with their incredible velvets, furs, brocades…

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And, some velvet covered objects for your viewing pleasure:



The last picture of blue velvet sofas is only the beginning of 34 blue sofas collected by blogger, Marni Elyse Katz of

(Above images courtesy of HGTV,,,, www.rjenkins,com,,,, Domino Magazine,,, Architectural Digest,, www.thebluerememberedhills.blogspot,,, and

To delve further into the origin of all of the above images and follow along, please visit my folder on Pinterest: VELVET

It was a turquoise velvet that truly launched my Etsy store in 2011.  I had a bolt of gorgeous bright turquoise that I’d found at an estate sale and I decided to make a pillow and post it. It sold right away and I could not make them fast enough after that, until the whole bolt was gone (that was a sad day).  Turquoise happened to be the Color the Year in 2010 and I sold a boatload.  Color of the Year in 2012 was Tangerine Tango, and I sold another boatload of orange velvet.  What will 2016 bring I wonder – rose quartz and serenity?

I stock LOTS of velvet in my store. Some are limited stock, well discounted pieces, I come across on my hunts, and others I order from Kravet, Schumacher, Pindler, Manuel Canovas, and so on:Velvet Palette Fall Winter 2014 - 4


Sometimes I add Greek key Ribbon:



I have a slew of velvet pillows on my etsy STORE always….

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Well,  I am off to MEXICO with my lovely family in a couple days. Time to unplug.  It’s going to be Christmas in Mexico with the grandparents and their custom built house in Puerto Vallarta. I’ll be sure to share some pictures.

Happy Holidays to you and thanks as always, for reading.








TIFFANY BROOKS , HGTV Design Star – Artist and Interior Designer Works Her Magic

TIFFANY BROOKS , HGTV Design Star – Artist and Interior Designer Works Her Magic

I’ve been meaning to share some work from this charismatic and talented woman since June. With the kids out of school for Summer life and work is a spiraling tug of war.

Always looking for inspiring talent, surprisingly, it sometimes finds me (or STUDIO TULLIA, that is). Tiffany purchased some pillows from me and I was thrilled to see them show up in one of her project reveals. I love to see “after” photos – one of the most rewarding things about my work.

So here are some pictures of a lovely living and dining room a la Tiffany Brooks. What really blows me away is that she is the artist who also did the art work, which seems to pull everything together.

Look at the lovely layering of textures and patterns.

Look at the lovely layering of textures and patterns.

Another close up of the dining room.

Another close up of the dining room.

Overview of the living room. Love the salon style art work above the sofa.

Overview of the living room. Love the salon style art work above the sofa.

Interesting vignette of the dining room. She managed to make these vintage chairs work with the finish treatment and bold color choices.   So much personality in this room.

Interesting vignette of the dining room. She managed to make these vintage chairs work with the finish treatment and bold color choices. So much personality in this room.

And her is the close up of her art work. How wonderful is that!

And her is the close up of her art work. How wonderful is that!

And the lovely...Tiffany Brooks

And the lovely…Tiffany Brooks

Here are the pillows Tiffany Brooks selected from STUDIO TULLIA:
Blue and Green Abstract Ikat

Navy with Wide Grosgrain Cream Ribbon

Hope you enjoyed this splash of talent as much as I did.

Enjoy your week, and thanks for reading!

INDIGO is here to stay – and why it’s so hot.

INDIGO is here to stay – and why it’s so hot.

blue jeans
I’ve been doing some research on INDIGO as I am always fascinated with current design trends, and why certain colors and textiles start to saturate the marketplace. The use of INDIGO textiles has been on the rise for several years in fashion, interior design and art. A recent article on summed it up pretty well: “Indigo is now the poster pigment of ecological responsibility and the crafts revolution; the flagship shade of the natural dyes movement that runs parallel to eco-friendly fashion and organic style. Interest in natural indigo has been scattered in the past decade but the revival is now visible everywhere”.
– check out the article by clicking on image below.

Rajesh Pratap Singh's ikat wool in indigo

Indigo dyes are natural, organic dyes. Using indigo is making a statement: to step away from chemically processed dyes and goods that are harmful to the environment. The look of indigo is more crafted and not mass manufactured. It fits right into the folksy, crafts revolution taking place around the world. Dark blue and navy blue have forever been classic and constant, like blue jeans. Indigo today is global and modern.

Here are some pictures of some lovely products or applications of Indigo found in art, textiles, interiors, and fashion… for you to enjoy.

Thomas Britt's Living Room

Living Room by Thomas Britt

Andrea Pramuk Blueline No 4 Print

Andrea Pramuk, Blueline No 4 Print

Georgia O'Keefe

Georgia O’Keefe

International Tokyo Quilt Show 2014

International Tokyo Quilt Show 2014

indigo rug collage studio tullia 2014

Rug collage – from Pinterest (no credit- sorry) rug

Rug from Blaxsand

pinterest image

Love this image with the batik pillows and I can’t quite make out the watermark…

P. Kaufman Batik Indigo Fabric

P. Kaufman batik indigo fabric

oakfurnitureland blog

indigo batik textiles shown on

nelson mandala indigo fabric from etsy

Love this Mandela fabric found at SabeeSupplies on Etsy from South Africa

Fashion Vignette - Max Mara

Max Mara


Victoria and Lucchino

KG Street Style

KG Street Style

Makie Clothier


Antique dress from Uzbekistan shown on


Murano Floral Dome Light by Orange on 1st Dibs

pinterset image dr

I love the fabric on these chairs – no credit, found on Pinterest

Framed Indigo Bandanas Martha Stewart

I love this idea of framed indigo bandannas from Martha Stewart Living

Pink Pagoda

Print by Pink Pagoda – and she has so many more lovely prints


Painting by Suzanne Schlemm available on Etsy


Painting by Julie Tillman on Etsy


Feather Painting by Protected Land on Etsy


Lovely Abstract Art by Robyn Muller Fine Art on Etsy

blue with black ptg 2

Taken at my studio in Portland, OR – pillows are available in my shop on ETSY.
Batik pillows, black ribbon pillows, cotton tropical toile pillows…

Blue with black ptg 1

More pillows are available in my shop on ETSY. Batik pillows, Samarkand Ikat by Schumacher, blue velvet pillows…

teal ribbon pillows studio tullia 3

Samarkand Ikat pillow with teal ribbon pillows by STUDIO TULLIA. Bird painting above heirloom sofa by ELizabeth See.

These images are from recent photo shoots by STUDIO TULLIA – all pillows available through my etsy store: www.etsy/shop/studiotullia

What do you think of indigo today – what does it symbolize, and do you like it – in all its uses?

Follow along with my INDIGO obession on Pinterest:

Tina Marie of The Enchanted Home finds Studio Tullia and Etsy

Tina Marie of The Enchanted Home finds Studio Tullia and Etsy

Tina Marie, designer and blogger for THE ENCHANTED HOME, discovered STUDIO TULLIA in the process of searching for decorative pillows for her veranda/loggia at her fabulous manse in New York.



I was lucky enough to be one of two final contenders in her pillow search on ETSY where my pillows will now live: in the Home of Enchantment.

This is her lovely blue and white design board of ETSY pillows she found:


Some of the final choices from STUDIO TULLIA were:
Ribbon Fretwork Pillow

Chiang Mai China Blue by Schumacher

And a lovely IKAT pillow from MOTIF PILLOWS by Priscilla Elizabeth out of Charleston, SC on ETSY. What a great combination!

Ikat Pillow from MOTIF PILLOWS

She later shared with her readers the arrival and display of pillows in her loggia and outer terrace:





You can see that she also has a lovely collection of porcelains with a concentration on blue and whites. They could not be a better match with Schumacher’s Chiang Mai Dragon!




You have to read this post which not only has many, many pictures of my Chiang Mai Pillows in situ at her FABULOUS home but will also introduce you to the extremely entertaining world of Tina Marie. She shares on a daily basis a very social and active life, steeling iphone pics in her daily forays to shop and visit friends. If anyone can handle the years long construction and interior decoration of this French Chateau Style Home set against the lovely rolling hills of New York, Tina can.

She also has an online shop featuring lovely European lighting, tableware and accessories. I am particularly enamored of the etched bell jar lanterns and seriously contemplating a couple of these for our home:

Pictures of Tina Marie’s Enchanted Home – and her blog feature “Pillow Heaven”354505_orig




Fanciful silver napkin rings and other fun accessories:



A lovely coat of arms and other garden statuary:

An assortment of toile:

Here, Tina has shared some recipes, with dishes served on her blue and white European tableware, also available at her store:



I have to share just a few more pictures of THE ENCHANTED HOME so that you, too, will want to follow along on this incredible journey:










Are you hooked?

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  • No Rules Style Guide to Pillows!
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  • Our latest CURATED COLLECTIONS of pillows and
  • DIY PROJECTS and tips to refresh and personalize your home
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