by studiotullia | Dec 29, 2017 | CURRENT PROMOTIONS, DESIGN TRENDS
Well, folks, we have a new calendar for 2018!
This calendar has been digitally printed on a nice linen/cotton that makes for a lovely, soft, washable tea towel. It measures approx. 15″W X 25″L. We have hemmed it so that you may hang it up with a 3/16″ dowel and string. You can also just tack it up and that looks fine, too.
The Cloth Calendar is $24 including shipping.
If you want the Calendar with the Hanging Kit, the cost is $34 including shipping.
If you are handy at all, you can pick up your own two skinny 3/16″ wooden dowels, cut them to the desired width, attach a string at the top for hanging and wallah!
Here it is in my office. It was cloudy and rainy today so this was the best I could get I’m afraid.
The inspiration for this calendar was a vintage large scale rose floral print I found that looks like it is from the sixties. Given that Portland is the City of Roses I have been holding onto it and trying to figure out what to do with it so…
We had to figure out which section of the fabric to use which was challenging given the scale of the pattern.
Below is my fabulous assistant, Amanda, who is a constant help with computer graphics and design. (Sorry about the sun glaring in below).
Then we had to figure out the font, calendar numbers and graphics which took a few revisions.
I was trying to capture the fluidity of the artist’s hand on the roses with some added embellishments.
In the end, we settled on a bold font instead for the 2018, that to me has a retro look to it as I just wasn’t that happy with the hand written quality.
I think this is a really happy print, and not at all traditional, given the scale. About this time of year, we all deserve some bright blooms around the house.
I hope you like it!
Click HERE to purchase yours now
Thanks, as always, for reading, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
by studiotullia | Mar 21, 2010 | MAGICAL MOMENTS
This is my first blog and I am happy to announce I have just launched my online shop STUDIO TULLIA on ETSY. If you need a Mother’s Day Card or a hand-crafted party favor please visit: There are only 6 items for sale as of today, but when you have three year old twins and are able to find some time to yourself, husband willing, nothing seems trivial. It is a start. I am hoping this blog will motivate me to be creative, to wake up my mind, which has been in baby land since my children were born in April of 2007. I hope to share my thoughts and inspiration with a budding audience in exchange for insight, resources and great ideas. I chose the image of the flowers for my first post because they are PINK and because it feels like SPRING. And, I dedicate my new beginning with STUDIO TULLIA to my daughter. I shot this image the other day with my iphone while we were on a walk. My daughter, like many other girls her age, really loves the color PINK. She has been my biggest fan so far as she has managed to discover many objects that I had made a few years ago while I was developing the concept of STUDIO TULLIA. She has found three pillows that I made in the garage which are all very little girl-like. I am not sure who I made them for, maybe my two young nieces, but for some reason I kept them. Now it seems as if I had made them specifically for her all along. Maybe I had. Maybe they were the pillows I wanted to give to my daughter, which I had wanted for so many years before having, and I just never admitted it to myself. It has been quite awhile now since she has found them and she still seems quite comforted by them. She has come across some of the cards I have made in my studio and has been quickly drawn into the details and sparkle from the vintage glass glitter. She knows they are special, has been given a few, and seems to really enjoy them. From as far back as I can remember she has had a keen eye for fashion, color, and details and I actually really respect her opinion. So, thanks to my dear daughter, in part, I am reigniting STUDIO TULLIA this Spring. And we all know that Spring in Portland is a magical thing.