HELLO FALL, how are you?
Did you know Saturday, September 22, is the start of Autumn? That’s in a couple weeks. And sure enough, temperatures are dropping just as kids have returned to school.
I have busy getting ready for Fall/Winter with upcoming craft shows and such, and a big focus on my pillows made from Pendleton Woolens.
I live near the Mill End store so in addition to a decent selection of fabric by the bolt they also have what has become a favorite; mill end scraps by the pound, brought in weekly and dumped into large bins on wheels. Along with other craft-makers, artisans, fashion and interior designers, I rummage through the heaps. Its fascinating to see what other people are drawn to and what they intend to make. I have been able to find gorgeous blanket fringe, large plaid remnants with raw industrial seams and can glimpse the new releases and forever classics straight from the mill, being prepped for the next season. All fodder for new and one of a kind designs.
I have a crew of talented folks and here are some recent creations. Pouches in a range of sizes which are great for gift cards or coin purses.
And a newer idea…tell me what you think of these. Plant holders or tidying bins some call them:
If you’d like to see more, check out my MT HOOD COLLECTION
With all these products coming in I need to make room in the studio. So, I’m having a BIG SALE – 20% off for the last 20 days in September (including many already marked down items). Watch for the next post to see what’s included. Almost everything that is ready made with the exception of Pendleton wares and made to order items.
Thanks for reading and enjoy these last warm and sunny days of Summer!